Thursday, June 6, 2013

Old people at the gym O_o

There is a strange and horrifying phenomenon that takes place at the gym, specifically in the locker room. It has to do with the older gentlemen that frequent the gym. Before I go any further, I just want to say that I admire their determination to combat the rude effects of time by working out and getting in shape. As far as I'm concerned, I'd rather be a gym rat late in life and enjoy mobility and energy, rather than be stuck using a walker. Barring accidents or illness, there's no reason people in their 60's, 70's, or beyond shouldn't be capable of the same basic functions we of the younger generations enjoy. You know, like walking. Or peeing without the aid of a plastic bag or diaper. Ahem.

Anywho, back to the horror. There is a general consensus among gym-goers when it comes to the locker room. Whether you're coming or going, the rules re simple: go in, get (un)dressed, make polite conversation/small talk when necessary, and LEAVE. Presumably, you are there to repetitiously lift and lower heavy objects until exhausted. You are not there to take up space and chatter for more than half an hour with your friends, taking up valuable space. AND YOU ARE MOST CERTAINLY NOT SUPPOSED TO BE NAKED THE ENTIRE TIME. -_-

Seriously, it's only the older gentlemen who do this. They gather in groups of three to six, and stand there chatting buck-ass naked, in all their saggy, withered glory. Just "blah, blah, blah," while hanging brain. In the middle of the locker room, forcing *everybody* to awkwardly shuffle around them while trying to not see what should not be seen. They, of course, pay it no mind and continue on with their chatter, oblivious to everybody else's discomfort.

Or are they?

On the surface it could easily be that they simply don't understand how awful it is to have to navigate through/around them as they stand in the middle of the locker room, on display like an ostentation of decrepit peacocks. It could easily be a case of absentmindedness brought on by the rigors of old age.

Yeah, I doubt it.

I firmly believe those bastards do it intentionally. They KNOW how much it irks everyone else. It's the only explanation. Why else would they position themselves in such a way that no one can avoid them; whether it be sight or physically moving past them, you're forced to deal with them, like a perverse toll booth.

It's a conspiracy.


  1. One reason I typically stay away from gyms, lol.

  2. Really, that's the only negative experience I can say comes from going to the gym. The rest is awesome.
