Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I need a project!

So this is going to be a relatively quick post; it's almost midnight, and another exciting work week begins tomorrow.

Lately, I've had this persistent itch...

No, not that kind. I mean this weird, restless desire to do something creative. Something above and beyond thinking up blog posts to give all three of the people who read it a quick and amusing glimpse into the life and thought process of yours truly.

It was inevitable, really. I know too many of these damn creative types; musicians, artists, actors, and writers are pretty much all I associate with. Granted, none of these people are actually *around* me, but whatever. And even beyond personal affiliations, there are all over the interweb cool, hip individuals letting their creative juices leak out of their smug, brilliant heads. They are doing web comics and vlogs, Video Game Let's Plays and movie reviews. They blunder about crafting memes, and in general, make the lives of social rejects such as myself a little brighter.

The point, dear lads and lassies, is that I find myself in need of a serious creative outlet. I need a project! I need something right-brained (yes, I know the left/right brain thing has been disproved) to bring balance to my current state, which is pretty meh, to be honest.

The only problem is that I have absolutely no ideas for cool, hip projects. However, I do have an overabundance of BLAH, so maybe it will work out.

1 comment:

  1. well we will just have to brain storm and find what it is that will fill that desire...
